
7 Things You Must Know Before Visiting St. Lucia

things to know when visiting St. Lucia

What better way to spend the holidays than to get bronzed skin, dip your feet in the crystal blue waters with the wind blowing on your hair, and the sun’s exuberance gleaming on your face…

When picking a beach travel destination, you can be left with a lot of choices. Well, we can’t crush out the fact that the Earth’s surface is covered with about 70 percent water so you can assume that there’s a hidden gem waiting to be discovered somewhere.

One of those hidden gems is, without a doubt, St. Lucia. They say a picture says a thousand words but a picture doesn’t give justice to the stunning beauty of St. Lucia – you really need to go see the island for yourself and bask in its magnificence.

To get the most out of your St. Lucia vacation, we want to share these top 7 things you should know before you visit the island and we hope it will make your trip nothing short of epic.

When to Go

We love St. Lucia’s weather all year round! But of course, enveloped by a tropical climate the entire year; there are still the best months which will surely get you those honeyed skin you’ve been dreaming of.

We encourage you to visit the island from December to April unless you want the rain to rain on your parade.

These months are the coolest and the least rainy as well. February to April are the driest months of all. Don’t worry about the swimming though, its warm water will welcome you all year long!

Stock Up On Cash

While this might be an unwritten rule in every travel in all parts of the world – bringing some cash with you in St. Lucia is no exception. We have had the conundrum of jumping from one ATM to another because our cards didn’t work.

Not only does this eat up your time but it’s also very frustrating not having cash ready for when you want to order that ice cold beer after the day’s activities.

It’s also better exchanging your U.S. dollars for the local currency, Eastern Caribbean dollar (XCD), as you might not get a really good value when paying U.S. dollars. There’s also a strict policy about rejecting crumpled or torn bills.

There’s a 10-percent Tax and Service Charge

We’re used to the additional 10-percent Tax and Service charge on our bills in most hotels, resorts, and restaurants. I hope you’ll get used to it too! Tipping is welcome but not necessary though.

But if you’re feeling extra generous, adding a tip can brighten up someone’s day. In addition, we suggest that you eat at your hotel’s restaurant instead of calling room service unless you want to pay an additional “delivery charge” for room service.

It may range from $10 to $20 USD.

Bring a Mosquito Repellent

A pro traveler always ensures to be up-to-date with vaccinations before the trip. And indeed, we hope you’ll bring some mosquito repellents in St. Lucia as some areas on the island can have mosquitos but it’s nothing a good and effective mosquito spray can’t handle.

Protecting yourself every morning by spraying some before you go out while taking on the day’s activities doesn’t hurt.

Try to bring a bottle of mosquito repellent if you’re going to be out the whole day too.

Sun is Fun but Sunburns Aren’t

St. Lucia boasts a beautiful tropical climate all year round and sometimes the sun can be quite intense on the island. Always protect your skin under the scorching heat by applying a really good sunblock with SPF 50 and above.

And never forget to moisturize your skin before you hit the sack. Also, leave those heavy jackets and thick coats at home – you won’t need them in St. Lucia.

Bring lightweight fabric and comfortable flip flops instead. You may also want to pack a nice dress (for the ladies) and nice pants (for the guys) as some luxurious restaurants require a dress code.

Best to Leave Driving in St. Lucia to the Pros

If you’re used to driving on the right lane, then you might have a hard time renting a car in St. Lucia as drivers stay on the left lane.

But if you enjoy driving, take note of some important road safety advises such as the narrow and winding roads you’re going to drive on.

Plus, there are also sharp slopes in some areas. Just go slowly especially when going through a blind curve. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

Lucians Are Awesome!

Life on the island is laid-back and people there know how to have fun! Lucians are also friendly and helpful in general.

But we can’t change the fact that there will always be what we like to call “local hustlers” who might overcharge you especially if you’re bargaining for better tour rates. So watch out for them!

St. Lucia is worthy of a spot on your bucket list. And once you’re all set and ready to jump on the next plane to the island, make sure you remember these helpful tips that will make for an incredible vacation!

Guest Post Author: Evelyn Paulson is a passionate travel & outdoor blogger who loves to travel and write about her experience. She spends her free time hiking, swimming, camping and spending time with her family. She also blogs at GearJunior which is a site filled with outdoor tips and guides.